A wrong has been committed. The aggrieved party
seeks redress in court and then gets a verdict. The
damages are subsequently awarded in his favour
against the defendants which could be natural
persons or juristic persons/legal institutions. The
difficult challenge is getting the money from the
bank for damages awarded against institutions let's
say the police. Most often when the accounts are
garnished and the banks are asked to show cause,
their response is to the effect that either the
money belonging to the said institution is
completely in reds or grossly insufficient to satisfy
the judgment sum. In reality these averments as
to financial states are lies, when you are privileged
to liase with an "insider" who works in the bank you
will be told the truth as opposed to what the
lengthy paragraphs of the counter affidavits are
How do you beat this logjam? How do you get the
judgment sum in the face of the highlighted
difficulties? What are the strategies?
Monday, 7 September 2015
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Nigeria Law
over coming judicial logjams in Nigeria
Recovery of damages
» Recovery of damages awarded
Recovery of damages awarded
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